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Showcase Questions
Are there dance classes the week of the showcase?
We are closed Monday, May 27 for Memorial Day. We will be OPEN on Tuesday, May 28th. Mandatory Dress Rehearsal will be held on Wednesday, May 29. The studio will be closed on Thursday, May 30.
Are there dance classes the week of the showcase?
We are closed Monday, May 27 for Memorial Day. We will be OPEN on Tuesday, May 28th. Mandatory Dress Rehearsal will be held on Wednesday, May 29. The studio will be closed on Thursday, May 30.
When does the season end?
June 15, 2024. Final monthly tuition is due June 1st. Families with unpaid tuition will not be permitted to perform in the Showcase.
What is the password for TutuTix Ticket Sales?
Ticket sales open on April 21, 2024 at 12:00pm. At this time, the site will be unlocked with not need for a password!
What time should my dancer arrive at VJM on June 2nd?
8:45-9:00: Company Dancers Arrive
9:00-9:30: Dancers ages 9-18 Arrive
9:30-9:45 Dancers ages 8 & Under Arrive
9:45 Creative Rhythm, Combo 1, Combo 2
What time should my family arrive to take their seats? Do I need to bring my tickets?
The doors to the Performing Arts Center at VJM will open by 9:30am. Seats are reserved and you must sit in the seat listed on your ticket. Bring your ticket (printed or digital) with you. If you do not have a ticket, you will not be permitted to enter the auditorium. Tickets can be purchased begining April 21 at 12pm.
Is your little dancer sitting with you for part of the show? If they have a ticket/seat, please scan that one as well on your way into the auditorium.
Will concessions be available?
Yes! All items are $1 or $2, cash only. Fresh soft pretzels, water bottles, & a selection of candy will be available. We appreciate your support in purchasing from the concessions table in the lobby before the show and at intermission.
Are parents allowed in the dressing room?
No. Parents are not permitted in the dressing room unless there is an emergency. Please respect this request and respect our teachers who will be monitoring the space. Private changing tents are available for all dancers who have costume changes in the gym area.
Can my child bring a snack and/or something to do backstage?
Yes, dancers may pack a labeled disposable water bottle with them and a CLEAN peanut-free snack. If your child would like to bring an activity book, etc. they may. We do not encourage electronics as they could get lost or damaged. Bring at your discretion.
What is the plan for little dancers?
We will have little dancers (ages 2-6) exit the stage immediately after they perform like we did last season. Dancers in "Fairytale Lullaby" & "Joy to the World," will perform on stage and then the house lights will come up.
One parent will pick up each child from the stage. Dancers in "Fairytale Lullaby" do not need a ticket and are permitted to sit on a parent's lap. Dancers in "Joy to the World" & "This Will Be" are asked to purchase ticket if you plan to stay for the remainder of the showcase. At the end of the showcase, any dancers that are sitting in the audience are invited to take part in the final curtain call with their classmates. They will be called up after "Lost Without You" which is the second to last number of the showcase!
"This Will Be" Dancers will be permitted to stay backstage if they wish. Please email us with your preference. Thank you!
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